
by Pixsys srl



MyPixsys is the new companion app designed to simplify and optimize your daily interaction with our products.Thanks to contactless NFC connection technology, it is now possible to manage our devices just by holding your phone in place for a few seconds.MyPixsys will automatically identify the model (as long as its listed in the supported models section), read the current configuration and display it in a handy collapsable group list.Each group can be expanded in a list and contains the values that regulate the functioning of your Pixsys instrument. Touch any row to edit the corresponding parameter, and once done, write the new configuration your device. Features:-Easy and intuitive interface in 4 tabs-Automatic product identification-Faulty memory detection and correction-Reads the whole configuration in just a few seconds-Set parameters and change values on the fly-User input data checking and correction-Save configuration backups in your phone, or share them via email, bluetooth, WhatsApp, Drive and many other apps.-Load and write user-created or stock configurations-Clone one device in another with just a touch-Graphical plotting of the data logger on a highly customizable line chart-Italian and English language supportSupported Products:2000.35.102000.35.152000.35.162000.35.172000.35.20STR551-12ABC-T-RSTR561-12ABC-T128-RSTR571-1ABC-T128-RDST400 DST800ATR244-12 ATR244-12TATR244-23A-TATR144-ABCATR144-ABC-TATR244-23BC-TATR444-13ABCATR444-14ABC-TATR444-15ABCATR444-22ABCATR444-24ABC-TATR424-12ABCDRR244-13ABC-TMCM260X-1ADMCM260X-2ADMCM260X-3ADMCM260X-4ADMCM260X-5ADMCM260X-9ADQuick start guide:1 - Check that your smartphone NFC sensor is turned on (for additional information refer to your phone documentation ) and that the "SCAN" tab animation is playing2 - Move the phone back cover as close as possible to your Pixsys device RF antenna, until a specific tune is played and the "scanning" animation changes to "reading". Then, just hold still for a few seconds. In case of low connectivity try relocating your smartphone or refer to the manual in order to find the optimal positioning for each specific model3 - Once the reading process is complete, remove the phone and work at your leisure on the configuration.4 - When done, switch to the "WRITE" tab and move your phone as close as possible to the device, like in point 2.5 - Hold the phone in place until MyPixsys beeps and the interface notifies the writing process completion NEW:Do you wish to test the newest funcionalities, product support and optimizations ? Subscribe to our beta tester program to receive all app updates before everyone else!Its easy and free, just follow this link and click "Become Tester":